The Solar da Motta offers a tour guide of the Douro Region, in order to provide you with a more enriching stay of your trip.

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Tourist Guide of Baião Region

Some useful contacts and information in Baião region


National Emergency Number: 112
Baião Firefighters: 255 541 231
Ancêde Health Center: 255 551 138
Eiriz Pharmacy: 255 551 425 / 255 552 711
Hospital of Baião: 255 542 212
Civil Protection of Baião: 255 540 500
Police Baião: 255 540 000
Grill: 919 315 427
Tourism Post of Baião: 255 540 562
Office Auto: Eiriz
Fuel supply: Eiriz
ATM: Eiriz
River Quay: Porto Antigo | Mosteiró | Pála
Swimming pools of Baião: 255 541 265
Taxi: River Quay Porto Antigo| Train Station Mosteiró
00351 255 551 406
bakery/boulangerie: 918106026
Fishmonger/Poissonnier: 918948109
Supermarket: Eiriz|Baião